Acoustical Control, LLC specializes in sound abatement. For over 15 years, our company has been serving small businesses to large national corporations across the United States. With the technology we have to offer, we can ease the tension caused by noise issues in sound-sensitive areas, allowing our customers to be good neighbors within their communities.
Decades of Experience
Our staff brings decades of real-world experience to the sound control business. Acoustical Control, LLC has taken our combined expertise and created a specialized turn-key approach to better serve our customers.
Comprehensive Sound Abatement Solutions
With an established approach to noise mitigation, Acoustical Control, LLC sells and constructs permanent walls and buildings as well as rents temporary walls. We perform site inspections, sound readings, create designs to include sound and ventilation, as well as complete assessments with our in-house experienced technical team, and perform installation and construction with our employees. We can do it all!
Safety Focused
For every job our employees perform, safety is a top priority. With a comprehensive safety program in place and continuous improvement, we work to create and maintain a zero-accident culture. We do not compromise the safety, the environment, or the health of our employees to gain a business advantage. We belong to ISNetworld and PEC Safety to assure our customers that we comply with their safety, quality, and insurance requirements. We have a COVID policy reviewed and approved by ISNet.
Meeting and Exceeding Mitigation Standards
With our safe and specialized approach, Acoustical Control, LLC is qualified at meeting strict city and county mandates. With our diverse and experienced staff, we are able to effectively meet noise mitigation standards not only in environmentally sensitive areas but amongst heavily-populated residential areas.
Get Started on Your Project
To learn more about our services, please contact Acoustical Control, LLC today to get your next project started!